Bluebell time in Kew Gardens, by Margaret Calkin James, 1931

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Please note: unframed posters have a white border and all framed posters have a white mount.

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cm white mount - acid free, smooth white mount board with a white core

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The armchair is 58cm wide

Please note A reference code is printed on all unframed prints.The font is approximately 2mm tall and sits approximately 4mm from the bottom edge of the paper in the bottom right hand corner.
One of many posters with Bluebells as the focal point of the poster. This poster was designed in 1931 by Margaret Calkin James to attract visitors to Kew Gardens. A panel poster, it was designed to be displayed in the interiors of Underground trains as well as the inside and outside of trams and buses. They did not have to fit a standard frame or wall space so are smaller than other poster formats and vary slightly in size. Margaret Calkins James was born in 1895. She trained at the Central School of Arts and Crafts from 1914-1916 where she specialised in calligraphy. The loss of her brother in the First World War affected her greatly and she did a lot of voluntary work designing and making garments for the Red Cross. After the War she designed a wide range of products including; lampshades, posters, book jackets and the first greetings telegram for the GPO (General Post Office). Alongside designing posters for the Underground Electric Railways Company Ltd., she also designed posters for Shell and the BBC (British Broadcasting Commission). In 1916 her calligraphy was exhibited at the Royal Academy’s arts and crafts exhibition and she went on to have one-man shows in London art galleries.
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Unframed print to order posters: please allow up to 15 working days for delivery. UK delivery charge is £7. International rates variable (according to weight and region)

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