Foxgloves; Kew Gardens, by Dora M Batty, 1924

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Please note: unframed posters have a white border and all framed posters have a white mount.

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cm white mount - acid free, smooth white mount board with a white core

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Total framed size: cm

The armchair is 58cm wide

Please note A reference code is printed on all unframed prints.The font is approximately 2mm tall and sits approximately 4mm from the bottom edge of the paper in the bottom right hand corner.
This beautiful poster designed by Dora M Batty in 1924 illustrates foxgloves standing tall above a green foliage. This poster promotes travel by Underground to Kew Gardens in Richmond which was founded in 1840 and houses the largest and most diverse botanical and mycological collections in the world. Dora M Batty designed posters for the Underground Group and London Transport between 1921 and 1938. In the 1920s and 30s Dora Batty was the leading woman designer working for the Underground with at least 60 posters to her name. Dora Batty was employed by the Curwen Press primarily to design covers for song sheets and leaflets, but also did varied work for book illustrations. Batty was a close friend of Harold Stabler and she designed pottery for Poole Pottery, as well as publicity work for MacFisheries. She designed textiles for several companies including Barlow & Jones and Helios. Between 1932 and 1958 Batty was a tutor in the Textiles Department at the Central School of Arts and Crafts, London. She also taught Fabric Design and Illustration at Camberwell during the 1940s.
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Framed print to order posters: please allow up to 15 working days for delivery. UK delivery charge is £10. International rates variable (according to weight and region)

Unframed print to order posters: please allow up to 15 working days for delivery. UK delivery charge is £7. International rates variable (according to weight and region)

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