London Transport, by Man Ray, 1938

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Please note: unframed posters have a white border and all framed posters have a white mount.

Framing options:

cm white mount - acid free, smooth white mount board with a white core

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Total framed size: cm

The armchair is 58cm wide

Please note A reference code is printed on all unframed prints.The font is approximately 2mm tall and sits approximately 4mm from the bottom edge of the paper in the bottom right hand corner.
Man Ray's depiction of the roundel orbiting Saturn against the pitch black sky was first printed by Waterloo & Sons Ltd in 1938 for Transport for London and displayed on London's Underground as a set of two posters, London Transport and Keeps London Going. As an artist, Man Ray, born Emmanuelle Radnitzky, was influenced by 'Dadaism' and a disillusionment with modern communications technology culture, his work then led him to become a recognised name in the surrealist arts movement in Paris.
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Framed print to order posters: please allow up to 15 working days for delivery. UK delivery charge is £10. International rates variable (according to weight and region)

Unframed print to order posters: please allow up to 15 working days for delivery. UK delivery charge is £7. International rates variable (according to weight and region)

Please note, working days are classed as Monday to Friday only, excluding UK Bank Holidays and Public Holidays for UK deliveries.