Whitsuntide outings, by Charles Paine, 1921

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cm white mount - acid free, smooth white mount board with a white core

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The armchair is 58cm wide

Please note A reference code is printed on all unframed prints.The font is approximately 2mm tall and sits approximately 4mm from the bottom edge of the paper in the bottom right hand corner.
The Underground Electric Railways Company Ltd. produced this poster in 1921 to promote Whitsuntide outings by travelling by bus, tram or underground. Whitsuntide occurs on the seventh Sunday after Easter and is the Christian name for the festival of Pentecost which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon Christ’s disciples. This festival is less remembered now in England, whilst up until the early 1970’s it was a traditional time for families going out and walking in the spring sunshine which this poster advertises. Whitsuntide was a bank holiday in the United Kingdom until 1967 when it was replaced by the fixed Spring Bank Holiday on the last Monday in May. The 'Spring Is On The Wing' text refers to the picture of swallows returning to the country as a sign of the return of the spring season along with the attractive spring colours of pale green and blue. The artist Charles Paine was born in Salford in 1895 where he went on to study at the College of Art. Following this he studied at the Royal College of Art and in later years taught at the Edinburgh College of Art.
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